O QUE VOCÊ VÊ? (What do you see?) / Exhibition on Accessibility – Canoas, RS, Brazil. 2016.
Position: Project Manager and Production Coordinator.
Activities: Elaboration and management of the project, financial administration, and coordination of executive production of unpublished exhibition occurred from 16 to 25 September, at the Canoas Shopping Mall; definition of the artistic and exhibition concept; controlling the production of the works of art, controlling the creation of exhibition design and elaboration of architectonic project, controlling the elaboration of the accessibility plan in compliance with the NBR 9050; controlling the production of accessibility items; selection and hiring of architecture professionals and suppliers of, infrastructure, scenography, human resources, etc.; budgeting and cost control; preparation of production documents; coordination of the production and operation team of the event; involvement in the production, assembly, execution, disassembly and closing phases of the event.